These are patches for or about officials that are (usually) not related to a specific event. Use of the words "referee", "NSO", and "official" is intentional. If I misuse a word and in so doing incorrectly label or describe a patch, please
This is the logo of the officiating crew for the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild.
Light City's The Law
ExpiredThis is the patch for Light City's officiating crew.
Lightning Fists of Science
ExpiredThe Lightning Fists of Science are the NSO crew of Rat City Roller Derby. A renegade faction of Clan Skryre, no doubt.
This patch was given as a "thank you" gift to Lincolnshire Roller Thunder's officials and those who regularly officiate for the league.
Lutece's officials
ExpiredThis is the patch of Lutece Destroyeuses Roller Derby Paris's officiating crew.
May's Force official member
ExpiredThis crew patch is distributed by May the Force with Bay Area Derby to members of her crew at tournaments.
Mid Atlantic's Referees
ExpiredMid Atlantic Roller Derby gave this patch to their referees.
Minnesota's referees
ExpiredThis is the logo of the Minnesota Rollergirls referee crew.
Nantes' Elephant Society
ExpiredThis is the patch of Nantes Derby Girls' officiating crew, and is also offered to regular visiting officials. It's been in circulation since early 2017.
Newcastle's Z Law
ExpiredThis is the patch of Newcastle Roller Derby League's officiating crew.
North Central Crew
ExpiredNorth Central Crew is a regional association of officials in north-central Pennsylvania.
ExpiredFrom what I understand, this NSO patch was created and sold by Argentina's 2x4 Roller Derby.
ExpiredNSO Crew Winter Wipeout
ExpiredThis was a patch made by Violet Felon and distributed to the NSOs at the 2019 Winter Wipeout tournament in Canada.
NSO level
ExpiredThese crew patches are distributed by Aggie Battery with the Tallahassee Rollergirls to members of her crew at tournaments. She distributes a different patch at each tournament.
As of December, 2022 Aggie says she has created 12 versions (pictured) of this patch.
NSO Union Local 213
ExpiredNSOhobos is... well, I'm not exactly sure what it is. A series of boards for NSOs (non-skating officials) on Facebook I think. I looked for some sort of derby-wide NSO board by that name but couldn't find one -- perhaps it's invite only? Or maybe it doesn't exist. Either way, they released a series of merch including this patch. I have no idea where the profits, if any, were directed.
NSOs rock out with the clock out
ExpiredOfficials Love
ExpiredThis thank-you patch from the Munich Rolling Rebels to its officials has a lot of NSO symbolism in it. Pink flamingos traditionally represent NSOs dressed in pink, but NSOs on the international level are rapidly shifting to black uniforms. So the black flamingo could either symbolize referees or the new uniform style. Either way, the patch is also set on the backdrop of a stopwatch.
Old Dudes Rule
ExpiredThis patch was made by Reed D'Rulz from Rat City Rollergirls. He's known for giving out this patch to officials who are at least 50 years old.
The Zebra Authority is the officiating wing of Orange County Roller Derby.
OSDA Referee Certification
ExpiredThis patch was used to signify a referee was certified to officiate the OSDA rule set.
Outlaws Roller Derby Officials
ExpiredOutlaws Roller Derby Officials is an officials-only league in British Columbia, Canada. It was created in 2013 by Whack Job and Gong Show primarily for unaffiliated officials to acquire derby insurance, but also served a role in networking and support. Canadian skating insurance is now easier for unaffiliated officials to acquire so the need for the league has mostly passed. Whack tells me the league is down to just two officials again, so it exists more on paper than as any real entity.
Paris Rollergirls' officials
ExpiredThis is the patch of the Paris Rollergirls' officiating crew.
Parks and Refreation
ExpiredParks and Refreation is the officiating crew for Angel City Derby.
Philly Roller Girls - Officials
ExpiredThis patch was specifically made by Philly Roller Girls (now Philly Roller Derby) for its officials.
Pol E's Dangerous Alliance
ExpiredThis crew patch is given out by Pol E Dangerous from the Carolina Rollergirls to members of his crew at tournaments.
Queensland official 2014
ExpiredThis patch was given out to officials who assisted with Queensland Roller Derby League's 2014 open season.